Diana Von Tease The kinky queen.

Hi, If you missed the above, My name is Diana. I post alot on this site not because I have nothing better to do (because I do) but because I love to. I'm a total geek, A cute one but a geek. I loveee comic books and anime, I have a soft spot for girls with superpowers and flashy costumes and I'm now a N00bie trekkie. I also am total sexual deviant with words and I have no problem sharing things that should not be shared :D. Anyway, I'm pretty aproachable so feel free to IM me on AIM or PM me. its all cooool

Blood is thicker than water, keeping control, We are bound by desire, can we govern your soul?


Boys.Girls.Comics.Cooking.The Occult.Astrology
then theres him....



AIM--Diana Von Tease, Dianerr Banana
I'm also on People Staff so any questions,or complaints can be Privately Messaged to me.
You may also find me in CBC talking sexy and shit.




Coming soon!


Fuel my ego <3

Is downloading Photoshop off limewire bad?seriousl (go back »)

July 19 2007, 3:59 AM

I brought  Mike to CBC today.He felt so out of place....I dont know it was funny then.

Power went out today due to the rain (NO WORK!!).More then 8 hours with out internet,So Michael and I caught up on some sleep and stuff like that.Went out to dinner and went to see Evan almighty finally.(it was ok).Came back and Power was on again.Which is good cause i was starting to go nuts going around the house with candles and flashlights,i mean it loses its kink to it after a while.
I'm right now redownloading photoshop-on my dial up computer (Ive been trying download  it for the past 3 days now.)So i figured while i was waiting since the forums wont load when its downloading to blog a bit and get stuff off my chest. I had been downloading this off limewire on and off for 3 days because it took so much energy out of my computer.My lovemuffin is in the other room with his morning coffee heading off to his summer camp that he is counling right now.Something that mesmerized me about him is his love for kids.He wants some but I however am not physcally or emotionally ready for that kind of shit (I JUST turned 18 here).But i might consider adopting or becoming a foster parrent one day,My mum was in foster care when she was young and alot of the places she went to were either there for the paycheck or they jsut were abusive and unloving or jsut kinda ignored her.So it made me think that she isnt the only one whos gone through this.Even if i am only able to help 6 kids in the world it dosnt matter because its 6 less kids in the world who have to go through the pain of feeling even more unloved.

My house is smokey a bit since my teflon pan needs to be replaces,Everytime i cook on it the stuff sticks and burns and then it smells up the house.The i have to go through everything and like "febreeze" it all down.Teflon can get people sick so as much as it made me sad to throw the pan out it was worth it.

I notice in alot of my blogs,i tnd to jump from subject to subject (like right now) I read somewhere that that means im jumbled up in my head and that im moving to fast..the thing is i dont know how to slow down?I dont know how to sit down.I never really sleep,i jsut close my eyes for a while and pop up again.I dont know how to clear my mind as well as mike does.He can pray an entire rosary and not get distracted by other thoughts or by things.

Spa day perhaps?Heeheeheee
Finally after 3 days its at 81 percent and going.It took 16 hours for it to ven go up to 45 percent.Geeze.

Well,Night to all and morning to me.


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 comments

Yeah also there is a big possibility of viruses.
If you download stuff like that, at least use a website like mininova.org
There people can post comments too so you know if its real or not by their comments.
And the option 2 is what Personality said.

Posted by NICKAWHAT on Apr 21, 08 2:56 am

Yes, stupid fucking idea, download the free trial on Adobe.com, and go to google, get CS2/CS3 paradox keygen, and follow steps, and there you have full version.

Posted by deletethisplease on Jul 30, 07 12:35 pm

You know what would suck, that after it finishes it don't work. That has happened to me a lot of times.

Posted by Detective on Jul 19, 07 2:58 pm

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  • Female
  • 21 years old


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